The Mont’e Prama necropolis is located along the Cabras Sea Road, which leads from San Salvatore to Riola Sardo. Located on Mont’e Prama, the archaeological site was casually discovered in 1974 by peasants who landed.

The excavations brought to light some thirty Nuraghic tombs, with the base of the 28 famous giants Mont’e Prama, respectively 16 boxers, 5 archers and 5 warriors each recovered in about 5000 fragments.

From the reconstruction of the fragments it turned out that boxers are wearing a skirt and are all naked torso, clutching a shield that with the left hand that protects the boss, the right hand holds the other side of the shield.

The archers who wear a tunic and have a chest guard, a two-horn helmet on the head and long braids. The left arm, with a glove holding an arc. The right arm, however, is protruding forward. The legs are shielded.

Warrior statues are visible at Cabras Civic Museum.
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